Employer Expectations

GVSU就业中心遵循 NACE职业道德实践原则 并期望与我们合作的雇主做到这一点 相同的,以及遵守 NACE大学关系专业标准 & Recruiting. 雇主也必须遵守所有GVSU 就业中心的政策和程序概述如下.

Recruiting Policies & Guidelines

GVSU就业中心遵循 NACE职业道德准则 Practice并期望与我们合作的雇主做到这一点 相同的,以及遵守 NACE大学关系专业标准 & Recruiting. 雇主也必须遵守所有GVSU 就业中心的政策和程序概述如下.

  • Employers must maintain the strict confidentiality of student and 校友数据概述在 家庭教育权利和隐私法 (FERPA). 违反FERPA规定的雇主将受到损失 获得GVSU就业中心服务.
  • GVSU就业中心保留权利 refuse service to any employer that violates the NACE大学专业标准 Relations & Recruiting 或者任何大学政策. In accordance, GVSU Career Center staff  does not recommend or select candidates for employers.
  • 雇主必须严格遵守所有规定 GVSU Job Posting Standards.
  • The GVSU Career Center works with third parties recruiters only 在有限情况下(view policy).
  • GVSU就业中心保留权利 refuse service to any employer if a review of a specific opportunity or the nature/status 的组织表明,它是不适合我们的 students/alumni; if students/alumni are injured or exposed to unsafe working conditions at the employer work site; if the employer discriminates; or if GVSU receives student/alumni complaints about discrimination, harassment, threats, or other unsafe/questionable working conditions. 如果学生/校友经历 对雇主的任何骚扰,或实际或潜在的伤害 workplace, the employer’s recruiting privileges will be suspended 等待进一步调查.
  • 没有提供完整的组织博天堂官方的雇主 信息(机构名称、地址、网站、描述、 contact name(s), organizational email address for contact, contact 电话号码)将不获提供雇主服务. GVSU Career Center staff will review contact information and the employer’s 适当的网站. 雇主应该有一个EID号码 在开始任何校园招聘活动之前.
  • The GVSU Career Center will not provide service to any employer who charges fees of any kind or requires the upfront purchase of 产品或工作设备/工具.
  • 雇主应该保持积极、合作的工作态度 working relationship with GVSU Career Center staff, meet deadlines pertaining to on-campus interviews, and provide hiring data as requested.

Employer event registration fees must be submitted within 30 days following the event. 费用将不获退还 在活动前五个工作日内取消. Future event 注册一个有未付余额的组织 non-remittance, late cancellation, or non-attendance will not be 核准至收到全额付款为止. Access to all other 招募服务也将被拒绝.

In order to post and have your listing approved by the GVSU Career Center, employers and postings must comply with the following standards:

  • Provide complete organizational contact information (organization name, address, organization URL, organization description, contact name, organizational email address for contact, contact phone number).
  • Adhere to NACE大学专业标准 Relations & Recruiting.
  • Conform to applicable Equal Opportunity Employment 法律及有关法例.
  • 有效期超过一年的帖子 首次投寄日期将不获批准.
  • To ensure maximum exposure, we recommend expiration dates between 由首次投寄日期起计两星期零六个月.
  • 不得向学生或校友收取任何费用.
  • 的使用或分配相关的工作机会 recreational or medical marijuana or related products will not be posted or approved (view policy).

为了给学生充分参与的机会 campus 招聘和面试过程中,我们会询问雇主 to审查并遵守NACE指南 Setting 合理的工作期限 (excerpted below). For Fall 招聘时,我们建议十一月份的offer截止日期. For Spring 招聘时,我们建议3月份的offer截止日期.

“In a robust and fast-paced job market for graduates and interns, 一些雇主试图减轻就业市场的影响 competition with practices, including offering incentives and/or requiring students to accept job offers within a short time frame. In some instances, these practices could lead to students feeling 他们是迫于压力才接受报价的. Experience shows the best employment decisions for both students and employers are those that 都是在没有压力的情况下用最多的 信息和透明度. 给学生足够的时间 参加招聘会,参加校园面试,以及 complete the interviewing in which they are currently engaged are more likely to make good long-term employment decisions and may be 不太可能在接受工作时食言."

– National Association of Colleges and Employers Advisory Opinion

In accordance with the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE),我们将“第三方招聘人员”定义为机构, organizations, or individuals recruiting candidates for temporary, part-time, or full-time employment opportunities other than for their own needs. 这包括推荐或代表招聘的实体 for-profit or non-profit organizations, and includes agencies that collect student information to be disclosed to employers for purposes 招聘和/或雇佣. “第三方招聘人员”一词 指但不限于职业介绍所、人员配备 services, temporary agencies, on-line job boards, recruiters, and contractors. 第三方招聘人员必须同意以下条件:

  1. The third party recruiter will disclose the name(s) of the client or clients that the third-party recruiter is representing and to 谁的凭据将被披露.
  2. GVSU就业中心拥有核实这一点的权利 已知客户端的信息.
  3. Although the client information does not need to be listed in the posting, the third-party recruiter must disclose the client name to prospective candidates.
  4. 在任何情况下,学生或校友的信息都不能被泄露 disclosed for other-than-stated recruiting purposes, nor can it be sold or provided to other entities outside of the client for whom the resumes are designated.
  5. 参加GVSU的活动和博览会将被限制在一个 合理数量的第三方招聘人员,经批准 先到先得,由GVSU职业生涯决定 Center. 任何被允许参加的第三方招聘人员必须 代表授权他们这样做并且必须这样做的雇主 披露他们所代表的雇主的名字.

为了确保遵守联邦法律(Drug-Free 1989年《博天堂官方网页》 and the University’s 酒精和其他毒品政策), GVSU就业中心不会 promote internship or work opportunities for positions in which students will possess, use, or distribute federally illegal cannabis products (contains > 0.3% THC). Additionally, GVSU will not host internships for credit in positions where a student will possess, use, or distribute federally illegal cannabis products (contains > 0.3% THC).  Subject to the above, this policy does not, however, prohibit the promotion or hosting of any other internship or work opportunities with companies in the cannabis 工业或辅助工业.

Employers are permitted to post positions on Handshake and to conduct Career Center-approved recruitment activities, however, students 永远都不应该被明确或含蓄地招揽为客户.  Additionally, employers must not involve students in the business of peer-to-peer solicitation. 招聘活动的目的是 hire students and alumni as employees or your organization, not to prospect for new clients. GVSU就业中心保留权利 revoke Handshake and recruitment privileges if this policy is violated.

Accounting Recruiting is an exciting time at GVSU, lasting from the week after Labor Day through the first week of October each year. Accounting Recruiting kicks off with the annual Pre-Recruiting events hosted by GVSU's Kappa Beta Chapter of Beta Alpha Psi to give students 公司也有机会见面. 有关会计的更多信息 招聘前,请浏览 www.bdmbasti.com/bap.  

在预招募活动之后GVSU will host on-campus interviews the last week of September and first week of 对有兴趣的公司免费开放. Participating in on-campus interviews is not only convenient for 学生和校友,但允许组织增加他们的 visibility on campus and forge links with our Accounting faculty and administrators. 

为了给学生充分参与的机会 entire Accounting Recruiting and interview process, we ask employers to refrain from asking candidates to commit to an employment offer 直到十月的第一个星期五 , and 审查并遵守NACE指南 regarding Setting 合理的工作期限 (excerpted below).

“In a robust and fast-paced job market for graduates and interns, 一些雇主试图减轻就业市场的影响 competition with practices, including offering incentives and/or requiring students to accept job offers within a short time frame. In some instances, these practices could lead to students feeling 他们是迫于压力才接受报价的. Experience shows the best employment decisions for both students and employers are those that 都是在没有压力的情况下用最多的 信息和透明度. 给学生足够的时间 参加招聘会,参加校园面试,以及 complete the interviewing in which they are currently engaged are more likely to make good long-term employment decisions and may be 不太可能在接受工作时食言."

– National Association of Colleges and Employers Advisory Opinion
