

大峡谷将新冠肺炎预警级别调至 0级  This means that face masks will be optional in all campus locations, 包括教室和其他学术空间.

教师 members can request their students wear face masks in class but cannot make it a requirement. 的re still may be unique situations where face masks are required, 比如那些由政府监管的.

We underst和 this will be a significant change to what we are accustomed to. Some members of the campus community will choose to continue to wear face masks, 和 they should be supported by all Lakers for doing so. 教师 和 staff can require masks to be worn in their private offices.


Gr和 Valley获得了10个,000个KN95口罩和10个,000 medical procedure (ASTM 1) masks for campus community members who wish to wear these. Departments can order these masks through the normal PPE requisition process through 设施和服务. 更多的口罩正在订购中,预计很快就会推出. We will do everything possible to ensure adequate mask availability despite supply chain pressure.

学生 can pick up these types of masks at the following locations. 供应将在每个工作日补充.

艾伦代尔校区: Recreation Center, Mary Idema Pew Library, Kirkhof Center;

皮尤大急流城校区: 埃伯哈德中心,停车服务台. 

近200,000 non-medical three-ply disposable masks continue to be available (these are the masks that have been supplied since the p和emic began). For most people on campus, these masks are sufficient, as are the washable cloth masks (two-ply). 

• A KN95 improperly worn is not safer than a cloth mask worn properly.
• A disposable three-ply mask worn with a two-ply cloth mask is equivalent to a KN95 mask for protection.
• Some people will not tolerate a KN95 mask 和 find it 困难 to breathe, 并可能放松他们的面具. 的y may find the double-mask option more tolerable.
• A clean KN95 that is properly cared for should last for five days.

  • Those unable to wear a face covering due to a medical condition should contact Disability 支援资源(DSR).
  • 学生, faculty 和 staff with weakened immune systems should discuss their activities 和 precautions they need to take to prevent 新型冠状病毒肺炎 with their health care providers. 目前, the CDC recommends continued masking 和 physical distancing for individuals with weakened immune systems.
  • 学生, faculty 和 staff are encouraged to wear masks or avoid 拥挤的, 户外活动, 就像现场表演一样, 游行, or sports event that might carry higher risk of 新型冠状病毒肺炎 transmission especially among unvaccinated individuals.
  • 教师, staff 和 students are responsible for laundering their face coverings 和 properly disposing of one-time use masks
  • Compliance is facilitated primarily through proactive, 正在进行的教育, 沟通, 建模和减少障碍.



Yes, masks have proven to be very effective in preventing the spread 新型冠状病毒肺炎病毒.  美国.S. 美国疾病控制中心 references over 90 studies all showing the effectiveness of mask-wearing to prevent the spread of viruses (SARS, 新型冠状病毒肺炎, 流感等.).  戴口罩已被证明有效 所有与新型冠状病毒肺炎有关的变体. 更多信息: http://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/science/science-briefs/masking-science-sars-cov2.html.


的 primary purpose of masks is to prevent virus-laden aerosols of exhaled air from being expelled into the environment.  如果每个人 an inside area is wearing a mask correctly, virus transmission becomes 困难.  Two layers of tightly woven cloth have demonstrated up to a 50% - 80% decrease in fine droplets 和 particles.  这是相似的 改成三层医用口罩.  更多信息: http://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/science/science-briefs/masking-science-sars-cov2.htmlhttp://www.nature.com/articles/s41591-020-0843-2. NOTE: Do not wear any type of mask with exhalation valves as this 破坏了面具的本意.

Mask effectiveness, for the wearer, is dependent on two criteria, 过滤效率和掩模匹配.  双层过滤效率 cloth masks is 50% for particles of 1 micron 和 more 非常高效。 at 更大的气溶胶尺寸.  三层医用程序口罩均为60层 80%的气溶胶捕获效率. KN95和N95口罩有5个 多层过滤器,效率为85% - 95%.  双重掩蔽,比如 as a cloth mask (two-layer) over a medical procedure mask (three-layer) or two medical procedure masks can approach (75% to N-95口罩的过滤效率为90+%.  更多信息: http://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/science/science-briefs/masking-science-sars-cov2.html, http://aaqr.org/articles/aaqr-21-05-oa-0117, 和 http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7007e1.htm?s_cid=mm7007e1_x

的 other criteria for determining mask efficacy is how well the mask 适合.  Having a mask that 适合 snugly over the nose 和 mouth 增加遮罩的效率.  面部毛发会干扰 任何一种口罩的贴合都会降低他们的效率.  布鼻线 masks, mask fitters/braces, 和 knotting 和 tucking for medical 过程掩码可以提高掩码的有效性. 疾控中心提供 excellent guidance on how to properly achieve a proper fit. 更多的 信息: http://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/mask-fit-and-filtration.html ,  http://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/masks.html, 和 http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7007e1.htm?s_cid=mm7007e1_x

What are the issues with masks that reduce their effectiveness?

三个问题降低了口罩的效率. 未戴过的口罩 鼻子和嘴(错误使用). 另外,没有戴口罩的人 会议或课堂上的每个人(不一致的使用). 最后,戴上面具 两边空隙大(不合适).

的 effectiveness of masks is also reduced if they are uncomfortable enough to cause constant adjustment 和 removal to gain relief. 的 more layers a mask has the more breathing is labored.  增加 breathing resistance 和 decreased comfort 和 can lead to mask 疲劳和减少口罩使用.

面部毛发会干扰 fit of any mask making them less 非常高效。. Those with facial hair should shave, trim their beard, or add an additional mask that closes the sides of the mask snugly 对着脸. 更多信息: http://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/mask-fit-and-filtration.htmlhttp://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/volumes/70/wr/mm7007e1.htm?s_cid=mm7007e1_x

How should I care for my mask 和 how long should I use it?

任何类型的口罩都应保持清洁和干燥. 口罩脏或湿 masks should be disposed of, or if a cloth mask, laundered. 面具时 not being used should be stored in a paper bag 和 not in a plastic bag. 

Medical procedure masks 和 KN95s should be disposed of after 5 days 如果它们被弄脏或弄湿,可以使用或更快. 更多信息: http://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/about-face-coverings.htmlhttp://www.osha.gov/laws-regs/regulations/standardnumber/1910/1910.504
